Engages the Audience.

*Only available within the recursion known as The Stage.  Allows you to, at will, become the centre of attention, what you do next and how it goes is up to you. If you are not taking a central role you may Upstage and take attention from the central characters, but this will result in an immediate Plot Twist (GM Intrusion). There are no tier specific abilities or skills, this focus exists solely to help players engage and coerce The Audience into rewarding the players or vilifying the bad guys, thus helping them control the flow of events. Available actions granted by this focus: Upstage: Take control of, and immediately establish a new situation, GM gets to react however they wish. Empathically Touch Audience: Get them to empathize with you and feel what you feel. Break the 4th wall: Speak to audience, perhaps influencing their perceptions of events as you give an inner...

Channels Characters

You not only pretend to be someone else, you become someone else for a short time. Sometimes against your will (At GM’s Discretion.) Spinners who take this focus need not take checks when using character for deceptive purposes, however they will need to make a difficulty 5 check once every three rounds or lose control to the character for five rounds or more, depending on how many levels below 5 they failed by. Tier one abilities: Channel Character (3 Intellect Points): Allows player to create a false identity and then present themselves as such for 15 rounds, all others will fully believe them to be this character, players may disguise themselves and their voice but are limited by physical conditions. Tier two abilities: Reduce difficulty of control checks to level 4, reduce point cost to 2, Now lasts 20 rounds. Tier three abilities: Impose Character (3 Intellect Points): Enshroud another player in a false identity, control check covers other player as well. Tier four abilities: Impose Additional Character (2 Intellect Points per additional player enshrouded) Tier five abilities: Reduce cost of Impose Additional Character to 1 Tier six abilities: Become Character (6 Int points): Indefinitely hold the character, gain access to a special Character Skill or Ability, and your physical appearance alters to match that of character, height, weight, hair colour, , and clothing all change to match character, control checks no longer...