The Lost Lands

Description Some people claim to have been abducted by aliens. Some of them claim to have been tested or examined. And some of them disappear forever. So do cows, pets and a thousand other animals no one ever realizes.  The Lost Lands are a recursion that appears, initially at least, as a broad African veldt, dotted with loose groves of acacia and baobab trees, streams that swell and shrivel with the seasons, and rough, rocky outcroppings that bake in the harsh sun and offer shelter at night. In the perpetually hot weather, reptilian megafauna roam the Lost Lands, herds of smaller herbivores graze alertly, while larger ones can be found in small family groups. Large solitary hunters compete with smaller predatory packs for the herds, while even smaller bipedal mammals use cunning, tools and tactics to hunt the game. Feral, primitive humans eke out an existence amongst the giant dinosaurs and the smaller, clever raptors, taking shelter in the safety of caves and using their skills of tool making and knowledge of fire to survive in the hostile recursion. Life is grim and difficult but the intelligence of the human natives gives them the edge they need to compete against much larger predators or the smaller, more numerous raptors. That is, until the Greys arrived.  Greys are a shy, scientific race, driven by an insatiable curiosity. Some have learned to travel between recursions in their sleek, saucer shaped vehicles and some of the more daring have even learned how to operate their ships in Sub-standard Physics environments by carrying a micro-recursion ‘bubble’ of Mad Science wherever they go. As...


       Fear is a powerful motivator to animals and sapient beings alike. Earth has been home to countless cultures, civilizations and legends thanks to human kind and their vast soaring imagination. Sometimes humans view the unnatural and dark nature of horror as entertainment, or even a method with which to teach. Tannok is the amalgamation of 10,000 years of fictional leakage from the darkest depths of the human psyche: fear, phobias and horror.              Tannok is comprised of incredibly sheer mountains that reach up to 10,000 feet in elevation. The mountains are virtually adjacent to each other, forming large acute valleys filled with squirming filth and unknowable horrors. All thrown into these pits are heard screaming for hours and are presumed dead. Metal platforms make up most of Tannok’s flat space, taking up millions of square feet. These platforms are always 50 feet thick (vertically) and positioned around Tannok’s mountains. Light only gets to a small portion of these surfaces, the rest being in complete darkness.              The Arachnii are apex predators similar to colossal spiders. Their hide is a dark gray with rust red spots on the thorax and pincers. This is because their fur is made of crude iron. The bigger and “rustier” an Arachnii is, the older and more dangerous it is. It’s unknown where they lay webs or build dens…but Arachnii attacks are more common near the lighted mountains. The competing predator to the Arachnii are the Despair. Despair are tremendously big snakes, that burrow holes and “dens” in the metal platforms. A...