Recursions – Page 11 – The Recursion Codex


Ptolmht (TOLL-HUM-MET) Akronwt (ACK-KRON-EW-T) Ptolmht is a temperate land full of saltwater archipelagos and stretches of dry desert hills. The majority of people with the Spark live in Akronwt (the capital city directly in the middle of the Alat peninsula) while the rest live in small coastal settlements. The tall nature of the islands means farmers use vertical techniques to grow their crops, from pomegranates, wheat, figs and olives. The people of Ptolmht are varied into different classes dependent on where they live. The poorer people live as farmers and fishermen on islands surrounded by ocean on the far reaches, while the higher aristocrats have an abundance of choice in how to live their lives. Philosophers, artisans and historians all live crowded together in the city of Akronwt, at the center of Ptolmht.  The Theós are powerful magical beings that are revered as divine in nature. They work day and night to layer complex spells over the interface from Ptolmht into the Strange, to keep the Lost Gods at bay. Occasionally they will leave their shining marble palace to celebrate important holidays, and to help defend the city from wandering monstrosities. Sometimes they will have children with mortals, giving rise to powerful Demigods. What these demigods choose to do is their own, but they tend to follow in their divine parents path and interests. The Theós are named as follows: Anubis, Serqet, Hephaestus, Sobek, Athena and Hecate. To those who were born in Ptolmht these names have no significance other than those of the Theós. To those born on Earth, however, they strike a cord of curiosity. Why would fictional...


  The natives of Pantamal are talking, clothes-wearing animals of nearly every variety. See page 250 of The Strange corebook for additional...


Infused – Humans of Acropolis are infused with natural magic. This manifests in bright colorful tattoos in flowing fractal patterns across the neck, arms and backs. It also manifests the following benefits: +2 to One pool of your choice (Choose during first translation to Acropolis) You are able to manifest minor arcane cantrips along the following lines: raising an object weighing no more than 10 kg into the air, changing the color of an object no more than 10 kg, and producing minor visual effects. Any focus abilities stem from your connection to the arcane.                 Acropolis came to be through fictional leakage from high fantasy settings and fictional “systems” or “laws” of magic. The land is circular, with the edges descending down directly into the strange. The skies over the temperate plains and mountains are bright with the stars and swirling stratum of The Strange. The humans of Acropolis are all infused with the naturally present magic of the recursion. This manifests in glowing sigils and glyphs on their skin similar to tattoos and minor arcane cantrips, depending on how strong the personal connection to The Strange and Acropolis magic is. Sometimes the connection is so strong that they can become a Sorcerer, manipulating reality around them. Creatures of fantasy live and breathe in Acropolis. Whether it’s the wandering Minotaur nomads of the plains or the Perytons of the western mountains, strange and wondrous creatures roam. Long dead kings and sorcerers still inhabit their ancient ruins as mummies, vampires or even demons, and great wyrms the size of mountains fly high above the...


       Fear is a powerful motivator to animals and sapient beings alike. Earth has been home to countless cultures, civilizations and legends thanks to human kind and their vast soaring imagination. Sometimes humans view the unnatural and dark nature of horror as entertainment, or even a method with which to teach. Tannok is the amalgamation of 10,000 years of fictional leakage from the darkest depths of the human psyche: fear, phobias and horror.              Tannok is comprised of incredibly sheer mountains that reach up to 10,000 feet in elevation. The mountains are virtually adjacent to each other, forming large acute valleys filled with squirming filth and unknowable horrors. All thrown into these pits are heard screaming for hours and are presumed dead. Metal platforms make up most of Tannok’s flat space, taking up millions of square feet. These platforms are always 50 feet thick (vertically) and positioned around Tannok’s mountains. Light only gets to a small portion of these surfaces, the rest being in complete darkness.              The Arachnii are apex predators similar to colossal spiders. Their hide is a dark gray with rust red spots on the thorax and pincers. This is because their fur is made of crude iron. The bigger and “rustier” an Arachnii is, the older and more dangerous it is. It’s unknown where they lay webs or build dens…but Arachnii attacks are more common near the lighted mountains. The competing predator to the Arachnii are the Despair. Despair are tremendously big snakes, that burrow holes and “dens” in the metal platforms. A...


The Salem Witchcraft Trials were a dark time in the early history of the United States.  The deep feelings of paranoia, fear, and treachery were strong enough that it invested itself upon The Strange.  Without anyone to foster it, the recursion grew.  Today the recursion consists of the town of Salem, as well as some of the surrounding wilderness.  By day, the citizens of the town go about their business, ever wary of Witches that may be lurking nearby.  But at night, all citizens lock themselves up within their houses, for fear of things that prowl the dark.  The witches themselves are real, and have dark monstrosities in their employ.  The majority of witches are awakened, and seek to find the means to either leave the recursion, or to bring in artifacts powerful enough to grant them complete dominion over it. Witches-on entering the recursion, a recursors choice of foci determines their race.  If the foci only relies on standard physics, they come into the recursion as a human.  However if their foci requires Magic, they are branded a Witch upon entering.  Somewhere on their body will be a strange birthmark, signifying their difference according to the beliefs of the townsfolk.  However, just because a recursor is not a witch will not protect them from being accused of being a...