
    Formed by fictional leakage from the various accounts and legends of the life of Alexander the Great of Macedon, Alexandria is a mature Recursion locked in the late Iron Age time that inspired it.  On our Earth, Alexander conquered the largest empire the world had yet seen over a span of 15 years, only to die young at the age of 33.  During his life, he lost no battles and was worshiped as a god, and it was said of him that when his empire reached its full extent, he wept that there were no more worlds to conquer.  On Alexandria, Alexander is a god, immortal and invincible, and his army has been on the march now for 300 years.  Alexandria is unique in that it does not have a fixed geography; instead, it consists only of the 100 miles or so surrounding the Macedonian army.  As the army conquers, it moves on and the conquered regions cease to exist, replaced by new foes for Alexander to subdue; truly, there are now infinite worlds for him to conquer.     The peoples of Alexandria are thus divided into two categories: the Macedonian army and their unconquered foes.  The Macedonian army is led by Alexander the God and a dozen subordinate leaders who are also immortal demigods.  The junior officers, common soldiers, and camp followers are all normal mortal humans, comprising around 20% of Alexandria’s population at any time; around 25% of these people have the Spark.  Soldiers who are too wounded or too old to continue on campaign are settled in new cities, which are almost invariably named “Alexandria.” ...