The Last Oasis

The land was once completely green, from one edge of the world to the other. To the plants who lived there it was paradise, from the simplest blade of grass to the smartest walking tree. Water and soil were plentiful, and everyone coexisted peacefully—shrubs, trees, cacti, everyone. Almost a year ago, something changed. Temperatures started to rise at the far edges of the world. Water dried, and grasslands gradually devolved into desert. None of the plants knew why it was happening, but they did know one thing: the habitable world was shrinking. Now this recursion contains a single patch of temperate land, a last oasis surrounded by vast deserts. The animate plant inhabitants—who call themselves the Uprooted—vie with each other over the increasingly small supply of water and fertile soil.   Uprooted Racial Options Recursors visiting the Last Oasis can choose to become one of the Uprooted, the sentient plant-based beings who live here. The Uprooted are the product of fictional leakage, originating from stories featuring intelligent, animate, talking plants. As such, the Uprooted have a few humanoid features incorporated into their vegetable bodies, including faces, branchy arms, and legs formed from roots. In other words, they can walk and talk, and might be offended if a human were to seem surprised at these facts. Several species of Uprooted live here, though they all possess certain common features. The Uprooted don’t need to eat, but do need water and sunlight, and they must spend about a third of each day with their roots planted in fertile soil. (Days and nights in the Last Oasis are similar to Earth’s.) Going...