Has a Mechanical Companion

Has a Mechanical Companion

Draggable: No
Recursions: Custom Clocktown
Recommended Laws: Mad Science, Clockwork Mechanics Physics
Connection: If this is your starting focus, choose one of the following connections.
1: choose a PC: she lost her (organic) pet and you think she see at your companion like pet to cuddle; you could be amused or disgusted about this (your choice)
2: choose a PC: first prototype of your companion attacked and almost fatally injured her; now she's frightened of all your mechanical companions
3: choose a PC: she somehow has a connection to your companion and they seems to respond to her commands too (even if never against your will)
4: choose a PC: a little while ago her actions caused your companion to be damaged and now every companion you create is "nervous" around her. They will never volontarily help, let ride, or go around her.
Equipment: a bag of tool and a pouch full of gears; you also have collar or harness, and a set of keys of various sizes for winding up mainsprings on clocks
Minor Effect Suggestion: Your companion get an asset in while helping you in his subsequent task
Major Effect Suggestion: Your companion help the whole group, give an huge distraction, or like, giving an asset to to a single related task of every member of your team for the next turn

You always had a talent for mechanics and repairing but lack of skill and dedication to be a Clockworker. You where just a child when you built your first mechanical bird, a little brass robin who did nothing else than funny noise while opening and closing his beak, and let you win the smile of a girl.
Becoming adult you dediced to use your talent to create full mechanical pet and working mechanisms; the pet you make and sold to other people are no more than toy barely resembling organic pet, but the one you did for yourself are amazing: they can hear your command and act independently, and are a full replacement for organic pet. They also can be repaired, upgraded and if they “die” you can always rebuild from scratch. Some people think you are a genius, and someone think you are a mad, but that’s no problem because you have your companion who can always help you.

  • tier 1: clockwork companion [a level 2, 6 hp, 2 damage; if destroyed can be created again in 1d6 days]
  • tier 2: helping hand [the clockwork companion can help the master giving him an asset]
  • tier 3: steam powered mount [a level 3, 9 hp mount; can’t attack but can defend. if destroyed can be created again in 3d6 days]
  • tier 4: remote eyes [can perceive through sensor of clockwork companion]; improved companion [clockwork companion is lvl 4, 12 hp, 4 damage]
  • tier 5: mechanical swarm [can create from scraps an horde of small creature who act as a level 4 one (or 5+ level 2); must be controlled each turn for no more than 10 minutes]
  • tier 6: clockwork master [can create a second lvl 4 companion]
    superior companion [can spend 1 day upgrading one of their companion or mount giving one of the subsequent: +1 armor; extraordinary movement (ie flying or double movement); built in weapon (ranged attack at +1 damage); +1 level (including +3 hp and +1 damage); +5 health]