Hears the Music of the Night (Vampire)

Hears the Music of the Night (Vampire):  The PC translates as a human undead creature existing within the range of common stereotypes of vampires.  They will have a corporeal body that does not exhibit any decomposition, and will be strangely alluring and charismatic.  As the vampire drinks blood s/he becomes more alive, more virile even, and looks less undead.  Each day the vampire goes without feeding, the vampire begins to loose health at a rate of 1 per day.  As the vampire loses health, they begin to look paler, more dead, and they begin to smell of rot and decomposition.  This occurs subtly at first and then stronger over time and can have a negative impact on any type of social roll the PC makes.  The vampire has an aversion to silver and sunlight.  Damage inflicted by a silver weapon does double damage to the vampire.  If the vampire is in direct sunlight with no protective covering such as clothing or the shadow of a building, the difficulty of all tasks increases by one step and the vampire will descend one step on the damage track and lose 5 points of damage per round.  Feed Ability: The vampire may feed on any living creature to regain health.  The creature must either be willing or subdued.  Feeding in this way transfers one health from the creature to the vampire per round until the vampire stops feeding or until the creature is dead.  Similarly, the vampire may feed his blood to a living creature transferring 1 health from the vampire to the living creature per round until the vampire stops or...