
  Aeyre is a world of sky and floating islands, the four largest islands are ~30 miles across and are the homes of the four ruling houses; House Landgrave, House Windholm, House Marcone, and House Yarris. These houses control the gas trade and gas mining operations that fuel the economy of Aeyre, their dirigibles patrol the upper and lower reaches ensuring their investments and the safety of their protectorates, occasionally there is a small conflict, but typically the houses rely on subterfuge and bureaucracy to fight one another, rather than strength of arms.       There are many smaller, independent islands and clusters of islands, but they tend to stay out of the politics and mining and are dependent on trade for their gas supply. Some of these smaller communities chafe under the dominance of the four houses and rumors of rebellion are frequent.       The upper reaches of Aeyre are a low gravity environment where almost all the populace live on the floating islands that are spread throughout the reach. In places where the landmasses are close massive bridges have been built to promote traffic, but in most places people rely on dirigibles or wing suits to travel between islands. Frequent updrafts and low gravity enable individuals skilled with wing suits to travel between islands without paying for transport on an Aeyre Ship.       The lower reaches are mostly composed of the heavy gases which the Houses collect to fuel their industry. The gases are too think for most people to breathe and require special equipment to operate in, equipment that is closely...


General Description Clocktown is metropolis similar to Victorian age London built on giant size moving clock gear. Greatest cogwheels are couple of kilometres wide and can sustain several city block while little ones got just a single house (probably not even a big one).Gears are not always on the same level, nor same shape: some of them overlap, form a 90 degrees angle, or are facing each other; some are spur gear while helical, bevel, crown or even worm gear are presents. Shaft are not generally presents, however sometime a couple of cogwheel share the same shaft, with lift and maybe even building rising around it and thus creating a path from one to another.Wheels spin around central axis, but most of time there is no sign of shaft, nor of an “external structure” where this gigantic clockwork are encased: it just float in a mist, which eventually degrade directly into the strange (thus creating a connection). This mist change colour according to hours, so it’s dark and black during nights and brown and light grey during day hours. There are no sign of stars, but in the “central” districts, where a lot of wheels are located, during clear nights is not uncommon to see across the skies the streetlights of a facing wheels, while on the “suburban” isolated cogs you can see a fractal shaped burst of lighter-than-usual-sky or single shifting point of light, blinking, moving or just disappearing (a reflection of the strange on the skies)All gears are connected, by direct meshing teeth, transmission chain, shared shaft or worm gear and even if they seems like steel...