Hide a Clockwork Hearth

Hide a Clockwork Hearth

Draggable: No
Recursions: Custom Clocktown
Recommended Laws: Mad Science, clockwork mechanics physics
Connection: If this is your starting focus, choose one of the following connections.
1: choose a PC: she knows how your mechanical parts work and can help on repairing
2: choose a PC: she's the only one who knows your clockwork nature.
3: someone stole some important gear of your internal machine; pick a PC: you suspect she's the thief
4: choose a PC: you think she's have a little problem and she could fix it only replacing his internal organs with mechanical ones. She could choose if the problem is real, and why she does'nt whant to be "replaced"
Equipment: A set of light tools, tiny clockmaker screwdriver and tools, and an handful of spare parts (mainly tiny cogwheels) for emergency repairs. All your clothing have an heavy gear theme: tiny cogwheels sewed unto your hat, big black work goggles, pocket watch tied to your vest via a reconditioned drive gear, etc.
Minor Effect Suggestion: Your internal gears got an intertial bonus. You gain a +1 bonus to similar actions involving the same task
Major Effect Suggestion: You use the exact momentum of your internal gear spin; your next round attack is "powered" and if hit get a +4 damage bonus

[based on “fuses flesh and steel” from Numenera]

You replaced a great part of your internal organs with mechanical clockwork ones; this could be a deliberate choice, or conseguencies of an almost fatal injury. Now your body is half mechanics, but this is not a fault in your eyes, but an enhancement of your former human capabilities. You’re not a fanatic, of course, and think everyone is free to choose to stay full organic, but this would’nt stop you from thinking everyone would be better with clockwork organs.

  • tier 1: enhanced body [+1 Armor, +3 Might, +3 Speed]
    special healing [first 5 points of damage cannot be healed but must be repaired]
  • tier 2: clockwork enhancement [after a few minute working on his modification gain asset on one single speed or might task]
  • tier 3: weaponization [one light or medium weapon can be built inside the frame; user is Trained in using this weapon; this weapon is hidden until used]
  • tier 4: integration [cypher and artifact can be connected to the body and are used as one level higher]
  • tier 5: deep reserve [once day up to 5 points can be transfered from a pool to another one; 1 point/round]
  • tier 6: ultra enhancement [+1 Armor and +5 to each of the three stat pool]