

Draggable: No
Recursions: Custom Liberty and Death
Recommended Laws: Magic
Connection: If this is your starting focus, choose one of the following connections.
1: Pick one other PC. He knows you can work magic and suspects you of being a witch.
2: Pick one other PC. When you first looked at her aura, you noticed a strange fractal pattern. You’ve never seen it again.
3: Pick one other PC. One of his ancestors was a powerful conjurer. When you reach tier 2, he will be your spirit guide.
4: Pick one other PC. The two of you stumbled across a young lad being kidnapped by a witch. You somehow managed to rescue the boy and drive off the witch, but she vowed vengeance as she flew off into the night.
Equipment: Clothing, herbs, powders and oils useful for preparing spells, a crystal that helps you focus your power and 200 shillings.
Minor Effect Suggestion: Your spell (or revision) has +1 bonus/level to effect. Alternately, it lasts twice as long.
Major Effect Suggestion: Your spell (or revision) has a +2 bonus/level to effect. Alternately, it lasts four times as long.

Magic pervades the world. The animals, plants, even the very air resonates with it. Most people are blithely unaware, but not you. You were born with second sight and when you concentrate you can see how wondrous – and dangerous – the world really is. You may wish to keep your power secret. The ignorant equate conjuring with witchcraft, but this is not the case. Your powers are rooted in the living world, not some pact with an infernal being.

This focus is best suited for a Paradox, though a Spinner or Vector conjurer would be an interesting combination. With a few tweaks it could be used for a shaman or witch doctor.

Tier 1: Second Sight (2 Intellect points). You can see magical forces invisible to the normal eye. This includes spirits, ghosts and creatures using magical abilities to remain unseen. You can determine the level of the creature as well. You may also detect the aftereffect of spells cast up to an hour ago (although details of precisely what spell was cast remain sketchy). Your second sight extends to an area of short range and lasts 10 minutes (about enough time to search the area well). Action to initiate.

     Secrets of the Other World. You are trained in Occult and Herbalist.

Tier 2: Spirit Guide (3 Intellect points). You can call upon the aid of a spirit guide. The player should decide what form his guide takes (human or animal). It is invisible to those without second sight, although the PC may always see it. The guide is intelligent and while it may not speak, it may answer yes/no questions by gesturing or shaking its head. Your guide provides an asset to all non-combat spell-casting attempts. It remains for 10 minutes or until dismissed. Action to initiate.

Tier 3: Blood Magic. You can spend points from your Might or Intellect pool to apply levels of effort to your spell casting or revisions. Enabler.

     Spirit Warding (3 Intellect points). This charm counts as an asset to defend against attacks by spirits, ghosts, revisions or spells cast against you. It lasts for 10 minutes. Action to initiate.

Tier 4: Spell Repertoire. You can learn one additional revision of fourth tier or lower. Enabler.

Tier 5: Lesser Conjuring (4+ Intellect points). You may cast a spell that replicates the effects of any anoetic cypher. It takes 1 hour to cast the spell and the level is equal to your tier. You may spend effort on the casting to raise the level of the cypher by one, to its maximum level. The spell need not be released immediately. You can “hold” it and release it at a later time. Spells held in this way count against the maximum number of cyphers you may bear. Action to release a held spell.

Tier 6: Greater Conjuring (6+ Intellect points). You may cast a spell that replicates the effects of any occultic cypher. It takes 1 hour to cast the spell and the level is equal to your tier. You may spend effort on the casting to raise the level of the cypher by one, to its maximum level. The spell need not be released immediately. You can “hold” it and release it at a later time. Spells held in this way count against the maximum number of cyphers you may bear. Action to release a held spell.