Yigdraxalandrevna the All-Mother

Yigdraxalandrevna the All-Mother is a recursion within the body of a dead goddess of unknown origin. Her body washed up on the shoals of earth at an indeterminite time. Although she is inert, you can never truly destroy a god. Her body lives on and inside of it flourishes a culture of creatures composed of her internal antibodies and microbes. They reside in the city of Yig-Revna which is a bone-and-tissue effigy to her mighty presence.   The primary inhabitants of the All-Mother are the Podchildren, who exist solely to maintain her internal organs, reviving dead tissue and replacing what cannot be healed. They are short creatures with an biometallic skin. They resemble human children and can be of several colors depending on their function.   Red – Blood Cell White – Antibodies Blue – Tissue Repair Yellow – Infectors (Hostile) Black – Necrotic (Hostile)   Several satellite outposts exist in key locations to protect and heal the All-Mother’s vital organs. The Reproduction Fields are the home of the Podchildren, there new Podlings are born and old Podlings go to die. The Caverns of Life serve as the hearts of the All-Mother. The Wailing Hive is her lungs while the Feeding Grounds serve as her stomach and the Void exists as a place to sent refuse, this area contains a direct connection to The Strange.   Little is know about the true origin of the All-Mother but there is speculation that is an ancient cousin to Planetovores. Evidence exists that may link her lifetime to the beginnings of the strange but nothing substantial has been determined at this time. The...

Shattered Earth

Shattered Earth is a ruined wasteland caused by war between humans and an alien menace known only as The Swarm. Most survivors of the last war live in Old New York, a landscape of concrete and metal skeletons repurposed and rebuilt for survival. Most of the old buildings are now vertical farms and factories used to support the war effort. Every citizen has a number, rank and job assigned to them when they hit age 16. Most are drafted in to the Republic Armies and sent to the front lines to battle The Swarm.   Before the third world war a race of alien beings known only as greys came to earth to give warning and prepare the human race for the coming conflict. The alien Swarm was a product of grey experimentation with human and grey DNA that got out of hand. With their home world overrun their only alternative was to seek refuge on earth. In exchange for alien technology and know-how the greys were given refuge. But even this could not prepare us for the coming tide of war.   The swarm consisted of telepathically linked hybrid creatures, this link worked as a sort of hive mind, giving them a limitless potential for psionic power and higher thinking. The first wave of soldiers were humanoids with elongated features like greys. Their defeat caused a ripple of adaptation. Each subsequent attack was launched with a more efficient killing machine as the swarm began to learn our ways and adapt to our technology. In the current year the war has come to a halt unexpectedly. The last swarm...


       Fear is a powerful motivator to animals and sapient beings alike. Earth has been home to countless cultures, civilizations and legends thanks to human kind and their vast soaring imagination. Sometimes humans view the unnatural and dark nature of horror as entertainment, or even a method with which to teach. Tannok is the amalgamation of 10,000 years of fictional leakage from the darkest depths of the human psyche: fear, phobias and horror.              Tannok is comprised of incredibly sheer mountains that reach up to 10,000 feet in elevation. The mountains are virtually adjacent to each other, forming large acute valleys filled with squirming filth and unknowable horrors. All thrown into these pits are heard screaming for hours and are presumed dead. Metal platforms make up most of Tannok’s flat space, taking up millions of square feet. These platforms are always 50 feet thick (vertically) and positioned around Tannok’s mountains. Light only gets to a small portion of these surfaces, the rest being in complete darkness.              The Arachnii are apex predators similar to colossal spiders. Their hide is a dark gray with rust red spots on the thorax and pincers. This is because their fur is made of crude iron. The bigger and “rustier” an Arachnii is, the older and more dangerous it is. It’s unknown where they lay webs or build dens…but Arachnii attacks are more common near the lighted mountains. The competing predator to the Arachnii are the Despair. Despair are tremendously big snakes, that burrow holes and “dens” in the metal platforms. A...